InCLIMATE Database

Country: Spain
Category: [[Category]
Publication Year / Starting Year: 2020
Year Last Amended: 

Full Citation (if applicable):
Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO)

Short Description:
The National Energy and Climate (ENCP) Plan is a ten-year integrated document mandated by the European Union to each of its member states in order for the EU to meet its overall greenhouse gases emissions targets. The Energy and Climate Plan addresses all five dimensions of the EU Energy Union: decarbonisation, energy efficiency, energy security, internal energy markets and research, innovation and competitiveness. The plan sets out the following objectives: 1) to become a carbon-neutral country by 2050 by decreasing the gross total GHG emissions in the electricity, transport, industry sectors ; 2) to promote energy efficiency thanks to the penetration of renewable energy in final energy consumption, efficiency measures to the transport, industry and building sectors, energy saving targets; 3) to ensure energy security by the diversification of the national energy mix, the use of indigenous sources and increase the flexibility of the national energy system; 4) interconnectivity, energy transmission infrastructure, integration of the internal energy market; 5) to strengthen technology transfers, promote public-private partnership and business research and innovationm etc.

Added to this database by Lawrence Attard - Wednesday, 24 August 2022, 10:59 AM