InCLIMATE Database

Country: Spain
Category: [[Category]
Publication Year / Starting Year: 
Year Last Amended: 

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Short Description:
The National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030 (PNIEC) aims to have a 42% share of renewable energy in final energy consumption by 2030. Regarding the electricity sector, the rapid growth of renewable electricity generation, reaching 74% in 2030 foreseen in the PNIEC and 100% before 2050, as contemplated in the Long-Term Decarbonization Strategy 2050 (ELP) requires adapt the energy system using tools such as digitization of networks, storage and demand management. Consequently, this Plan sets as objectives:
1) the development of a more flexible, decentralized and dynamic energy system, capable of efficiently and safely absorbing the new renewable generation,
2) the development of new innovative business models,
3) the participation of new actors in the electricity system and a more agile regulatory framework capable of adapting to new needs through regulatory sandboxes.

Added to this database by Lawrence Attard - miercuri, 24 august 2022, 10:59